Monday, August 4, 2008

I've just been doing some measuring.

Day 1 walked 2.46km
Day 2 flew 9.69km, walked 12.29km
Day 3 flew 4.26km, walked 18.96km
Day 4 flew 7.29km
Day 5 walked 17.72km, got picked up, then flew 52.23km


goatchurch said...

Julian here. Not surprised it turned out to be hard. The toughness of walking is easy to underestimate. And even just rough hiking a long distance requires a deep understanding of the terrain and lots of map research, knowing where the water is, etc. There's little chance that you can just "wing it".

Shame you didn't hitch over to where we are in Austria caving like I told you to, as there's some fine gliding sites off the Löser plateau here. Maybe next year.

Dan Heeks said...

Hi Julian,
Yes, the Löser mountains look good for paragliding.I was a bit worn out, but also bursting to have a go with my new milling machine.